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- Inductance Analyzer
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- Waveform Generator
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We may have more items in our inventory that haven’t been added to our website yet. Please reach out to us directly to inquire for specific products or models.
53230A 350 MHz Universal Frequency Counter/Timer, 12 digits/s, 2
The Keysight 53230A universal frequency counter/timer serves all your frequency and time interval measurement needs. In addition to the typical frequency and time interval measurements, continuous/gap-free measurements are available for basic modulation domain analysis. Optional burst measurement software is available.
Keysight N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer
The MXA is designed to accelerate the development of new wireless devices for quick delivery to manufacturing and the marketplace. It has the versitility to easily adapt to your evolving test requirements by addressing multiple formats, generations and devices.
IFR 6843 10 MHz to 20 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
The IFR 6843 is a reconditioned Spectrum Analyzer with a 10 MHz to 20 GHz range. The 6843 series RF and microwave system analyzer is a powerful tool for the microwave industry. Integrated into a single instrument are a synthesized source, a three input scalar analyzer and a synthesized spectrum analyzer.
Wayne Kerr 3245 Precision Inductance Analyzer
The Wayne Kerr 3245 Precision Inductance Analyzer contains all the stimulus, response, measurement and computation facilities necessary for the detailed analysis of inductors, coils and transformers. The 3245 operates from 20 Hz- 300 kHz. The 3220A DC Bias Current Source can be used with the 3245 to extend dc bias current to 20A with up to five units paralled to provide up to100A.
Keysight E4990A-120-1E5 Impedance Analyzer, 20 Hz to 120 MHz
The E4990A Impedance Analyzer has a frequency range of 20 Hz to 120 MHz. The E4990A provides an industry best 0.045% (typical) basic accuracy over a wide impedance range, with a 40 V built-in DC bias source. The equivalent circuit analysis function supports seven different multi-parameter models and helps you to simulate your own equivalent parameter values of components.
Keysight N1914A EPM Series Dual-Channel Power Meter
Get repeatable and reliable results for bench/rack and field applications with the N1913A and N1914A EPM series power meters. These power meters offer a measurement speed of up to 400 readings/second for fast, accurate average power measurements, and come with the industry’s first color LCD screen in an average power meter, allowing you to view and analyze test data more easily.
Keysight 16901A 2-slot Modular Logic Analyzer
The 16901A 2-slot modular logic analyzer provides high-performance, system-level debugging of digital designs. Customize your modular logic analyzer for your specific needs with innovative probing, high-performance measurement modules, and application specific analysis tools. Expandability is the key to the system’s long-term value.
Keithley 197 5.5 Digit Portable Autoranging Microvoltmeter
The used Keithley 197A/72A/78 Portable Multimeter is a lightweight, portable DMM with a battery pack option. It combines 51/2-digit resolution (on a 220,000-count display)with 1µV, 1nA, 1mΩsensitivity. Basic DCV accuracy is 0.011%.
Keysight 81180A 4.2 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
10 MSa/s – 4.2 GSa/s, 12 bit Arbitrary Waveform and Function Generator. Only limited numbers of units are available for the 81180A. Please contact your sales representative for availability.
Valhalla Scientific 2101 Digital Power Analyzer
The Valhalla Scientific 2101 Digital Power Analyzer has twin high resolution digital displays, DC to 50kHz frequency response, true power measurement, true RMS voltage and current and built-on peak overload indicators. The device can handle voltages to 300 V, current to 20 A, and watts to 6000.
Keysight 37204A HP-IB Extender
The HP 37204A HP-IB extender provides single-point and multi-point extension of the Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB), and allows the distance between devices using this interface to be increased well beyond the limits imposed bydirect HP-IB cabling.
Bruel + Kjaer 2610 Measuring Amplifier
The Bruel And Kjaer Measuring Amplifiers Types 2610 and 2636 are two easy to use, multi-purpose, calibrated amplifier-voltmeters, featuring extreme versatility, a wide measurement range and laboratory precision. They may be used alone, or as the basis around which numerous measurement and analysis set-ups may be built for comprehensive and detailed investigation of sound, vibration and voltage signals.
Fluke 8840A/AF Digital Multimeter
The Fluke 8840A/AF Digital Multimeter provides an outstanding combination of low price and high performance. The 8840A/AF features include: 0.005% basic dc accuracy at 1 year, IEEE-488 system integration, closed case calibration, 5 1/2 digit display, up to 100 readings per second system speed, maximum ac input 1000V rms.
ENI (Electronic Navigation Industries) 1040L RF Amplifier
The ENI 1040L is one of our refurbished RF Amplifiers, 10-500kHz 400W. The ENI 1040L Power Amplifier is an all solid-state power amplifier that operates over the frequency range of 10kHz to 500kHz with a gain of 55dB.Its 50 ohms input is compatible with any laboratory signal generator, function generator or integrated circuit oscillator. Will operate with any load impedance (from open to short) without damage or oscillation! Output power from zero to more than 400 W is continuously adjustable by varying the amplitude of the low level input.
Marconi Instruments 2955B Radio Communications Test Set
The Marconi Instruments 2955B is a used Radio Communications Test Set. The Marconi Instruments 2955B, Radio Communications Test Set, that combines all the instruments required for transceiver testing within a single unit. Designed for bench and mobile field service applications in maintenance workshops, the instrument is lightweight, portable and may be operated from all standard AC supplies, or vehicle supplies.
Bruel + Kjaer 4231 Sound Level Calibrator
A handy, portable sound source for calibration of sound level meters and other sound measurement equipment. The calibrator is very robust and stable, and conforms to EN/IEC 60942 Class LS and Class 1, and ANSI S1.40-1984.
Fluke 5500A-SC600 Multi-Product Calibrator
The Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator is a revolutionary product that addresses a wide cross-section of your electrical calibration work load. It sources direct voltage and current, alternating voltage and current with multiple waveforms and harmonics, two simultaneous voltage outputs or voltage and current, and simulates power with phase control, resistance, capacitance, thermocouples and RTDs.
Keysight N5182B MXG X-Series RF Vector Signal Generator with options, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Take your designs to their limit with outstanding hardware performance, including unmatched phase noise & spurious characteristics
Drive power amplifiers & characterize nonlinear behavior with industry-leading ACPR & output power
Test wideband devices with factory-equalized 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Keysight M8195A 65 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The Keysight M8195A arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides up to 65 GSa/s, 25 GHz bandwidth, 8 bits vertical resolution, and up to 4 channels in a 1-slot AXIe module – simultaneously. As devices and interfaces become faster and more complex, the M8195A AWG gives you the versatility to create the signals you need for digital applications, advanced research, wideband radar, satcom, and optical communications.
Agilent/ Keysight E5071C Network Analyzer
The Keysight E5071C network analyzer offers the highest RF performanceand fastest speed in its class, with a wide frequency range and versatile functions. The Keysight E5071C is the ideal solution for manufacturing and R&D engineers evaluating RF components and circuits from 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz.