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- Amplifier
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- Inductance Analyzer
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Keysight 437B High Performance Single Channel Average Power Meter
The used Keysight 437B power meter is a low-cost, high-performance, single-channel, programmable, average power meter compatible with the 8480 family of power sensors. Depending on which power sensor is used, the 437B can measure from -70 dBm (100pW) to +44 dBm (25W) at frequencies from 100 kHz to 110 GHz.
Keysight N1914A EPM Series Dual-Channel Power Meter
Get repeatable and reliable results for bench/rack and field applications with the N1913A and N1914A EPM series power meters. These power meters offer a measurement speed of up to 400 readings/second for fast, accurate average power measurements, and come with the industry’s first color LCD screen in an average power meter, allowing you to view and analyze test data more easily.