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- Amplifier
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- Impedance Analyzer
- Inductance Analyzer
- Insulation Tester
- Logic Analyzer
- Multi-Product Calibrator
- Network Analyzer
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- Power Analyzer
- Power Meter
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- Radiocommunications Tester
- Resistance Meter
- Retrofit Kit
- Service Monitor
- Signal Analyzer
- Signal Generator
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Test Receiver
- Test Set
- Waveform Generator
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Ameritec AM48 Transmission Impairment Test Set
The Ameritec Model AM48 can do a variety of measurements. With its built-in dial capability on dial-up networks it can access a distant responder or a second AM48 for centralized 2-wire testing. You can use a single unit with an Ameritec responder for centralized loop back testing. Or, use two sets for a complete end-to-end test of 4-wire data lines.