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- Amplifier
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- Impedance Analyzer
- Inductance Analyzer
- Insulation Tester
- Logic Analyzer
- Multi-Product Calibrator
- Network Analyzer
- Oscilloscope
- Power Analyzer
- Power Meter
- Pulse Generator
- Radiocommunications Tester
- Resistance Meter
- Retrofit Kit
- Service Monitor
- Signal Analyzer
- Signal Generator
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Test Receiver
- Test Set
- Waveform Generator
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Keysight 81180A 4.2 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
10 MSa/s – 4.2 GSa/s, 12 bit Arbitrary Waveform and Function Generator. Only limited numbers of units are available for the 81180A. Please contact your sales representative for availability.
Keysight M8195A 65 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The Keysight M8195A arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides up to 65 GSa/s, 25 GHz bandwidth, 8 bits vertical resolution, and up to 4 channels in a 1-slot AXIe module – simultaneously. As devices and interfaces become faster and more complex, the M8195A AWG gives you the versatility to create the signals you need for digital applications, advanced research, wideband radar, satcom, and optical communications.