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- Amplifier
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- Inductance Analyzer
- Insulation Tester
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- Multi-Product Calibrator
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- Radiocommunications Tester
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- Signal Analyzer
- Signal Generator
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Test Receiver
- Test Set
- Waveform Generator
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Aeroflex / IFR 2945A Communications Service Monitor
The Aeroflex / IFR 2945A is a compact, lightweight and rugged instrument that allows laboratory standard measurements to be conducted in the field.
Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator
The Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator is a revolutionary product that addresses a wide cross-section of your electrical calibration work load. It sources direct voltage and current, alternating voltage and current with multiple waveforms and harmonics, two simultaneous voltage outputs or voltage and current, and simulates power with phase control, resistance, capacitance, thermocouples and RTDs. The 5500As Oscilloscope Calibration options provide level sine wave, fast edge, time mark and amplitude signals for calibration of oscilloscopes up to 600 MHz.
BNC Model 845 RF Microwave Signal Generator, 20 GHz
Berkeley Nucleonics’ Model 845 RF Microwave Signal Generator is a low-noise and fast-switching microwave signal generator covering a frequency range from 100 kHz up to 26.5 GHz. The Model 845 Microwave RF Signal Generator offers a wide and accurately-leveled output power range with high spurious suppression. Advanced frequency synthesis with fractional-N divider makes for low SSB phase noise and micro-Hz frequency resolution.
General Radio 1616 Precision Capacitance Bridge
The General Radio 1616 Precision Capacitance Bridge is one of three units (sold separately) required to make up the 1621 Precision Capacitance Measurement System. When used with an oscillator and a detector equivalent to the 1316 and 1238 the 1616 Capacitance Bridge will perform as follows: A wide range of capacitances can be measured, extending from the resolution limit of 0.1aF to a maximum of 10uF with internal standards, and further with external standards.
ENI (Electronic Navigation Industries) 240L RF Power Amplifier
The ENI 240L is one of our refurbished 10MHZ, 40W RF Power Amplifiers.
Key Features
Type Solid State
Nominal Power 40 Watts
Flatness 1.5 dB
Minimum Frequency 20 kHz
Maximum Frequency 10 MHz
Ameritec AM48 Transmission Impairment Test Set
The Ameritec Model AM48 can do a variety of measurements. With its built-in dial capability on dial-up networks it can access a distant responder or a second AM48 for centralized 2-wire testing. You can use a single unit with an Ameritec responder for centralized loop back testing. Or, use two sets for a complete end-to-end test of 4-wire data lines.
General Dynamics R2670B Communication Analyzer
The R2600 family of Communications System Analyzers performs tests normally associated with these instruments:
RF Signal Generator
Sensitive Measurement Receiver
Spectrum Analyzer
Full Band Duplex Offset Generator
And more…
IFR / Aeroflex IFR-2947A Communications Service Monitor
The Aeroflex / IFR 2947A avionics test equipment is a bench tester which is used by the Federal Aviation Administration and the US Navy.
Keysight 8752C 300 kHz to 3 GHz Network Analyzer
The Keysight 8752C is one of our used RF Network Analyzers with a bandwidth of 300 kHz to 1.3 (Optionally to 6 GHz) GHz. The Keysight 8752C, RF Network Analyzer, provides simple and complete vector network measurements in a compact, fully integrated RF network analyzer.
HP / Agilent 8565E Portable Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 50 GHz
The Agilent 8565E portable millimeter spectrum analyzer offers the measurement capability and performance previously found in larger, more expensive benchtop analyzers. You can measure signals from 30 Hz to 50 GHz (preselected above 2.75 GHz) with a single coaxial connection.
HP 8565EC Spectrum Analyzer
The Agilent 8565EC portable, color display millimeter spectrum analyzer offers the measurement capability and performance previously found in larger, more expensive benchtop analyzers. You can measure signals from 30 Hz to 50 GHz (preselected above 2.75 GHz) with a single coaxial connection.
Keysight N9344C Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
1MHz-20GHz Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)
Rugged and fanless design for tough field environments, Clear screen viewing, day and night, Built-in GPS receiver and GPS antenna, Dedicated applications for spectrum monitoring and interference analysis, Flexible remote control via USB/LAN.
Agilent/HP N5182A MXG RF Vector Signal Generator
Featuring fast frequency, amplitude, and waveform switching, high power with an electronic attenuator, and high reliability -all in two rack units (2RU) - Keysight MXG vector is optimized for manufacturing cellular communications and wireless connectivity components. The Keysight N5182A MXG vector provides better value for your investment by increasing throughput, improving test yield, maximizing uptime, and saving rack space. With scalable RF and baseband performance, the Agilent MXG vector is easily configured to meet your specific test needs.
Anritsu 37369C Network Analyzer
The Anritsu 37369C network analyzer is an instrument which measures the complex transmission and reflection characteristics of two-port devices in the frequency domain. It does this by sampling the incident signal, separating the transmitted and reflected waves, and then performing ratios that are directly related to the reflection and transmission coefficients of the two-port.
Keysight E5071B ENA RF Network Analyzer 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz
The Keysight E5071B network analyzer offers fast and accurate measurements for RF components. The advanced architecture minimizes the number of sweeps to complete a multiport measurement and further improves test throughput.
Keysight 8720ES S-parameter Network Analyzer
The Keysight 8720ES, Network Analyzer, includes an integrated synthesized source, test set and tuned receiver. The built-in S-parameter test set provides a full range of magnitude and phase measurements in both the forward and reverse directions. Built-in vector accuracy enhancement techniques include full two-port, adapter-removal, and optional TRL calibration. The Agilent 8720E, Network Analyzer, family includes three T/R and three S-parameter network analyzers, covering 13.5, 20 and 40 GHz.
IFR-Aeroflex 2975 Project 25 Radio Test Set
For complete transmitter spectrum performance testing, swept antenna and transmission line testing and at-a-glance troubleshooting, the IFR 2975 comes standard with a digitized 2.7 GHz spectrum analyzer and dual-channel digital storage oscilloscope.