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Agilent/ Keysight E5071C Network Analyzer
The Keysight E5071C network analyzer offers the highest RF performanceand fastest speed in its class, with a wide frequency range and versatile functions. The Keysight E5071C is the ideal solution for manufacturing and R&D engineers evaluating RF components and circuits from 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz.
Keysight 8752C 300 kHz to 3 GHz Network Analyzer
The Keysight 8752C is one of our used RF Network Analyzers with a bandwidth of 300 kHz to 1.3 (Optionally to 6 GHz) GHz. The Keysight 8752C, RF Network Analyzer, provides simple and complete vector network measurements in a compact, fully integrated RF network analyzer.
Anritsu 37369C Network Analyzer
The Anritsu 37369C network analyzer is an instrument which measures the complex transmission and reflection characteristics of two-port devices in the frequency domain. It does this by sampling the incident signal, separating the transmitted and reflected waves, and then performing ratios that are directly related to the reflection and transmission coefficients of the two-port.
Keysight E5071B ENA RF Network Analyzer 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz
The Keysight E5071B network analyzer offers fast and accurate measurements for RF components. The advanced architecture minimizes the number of sweeps to complete a multiport measurement and further improves test throughput.
Keysight 8720ES S-parameter Network Analyzer
The Keysight 8720ES, Network Analyzer, includes an integrated synthesized source, test set and tuned receiver. The built-in S-parameter test set provides a full range of magnitude and phase measurements in both the forward and reverse directions. Built-in vector accuracy enhancement techniques include full two-port, adapter-removal, and optional TRL calibration. The Agilent 8720E, Network Analyzer, family includes three T/R and three S-parameter network analyzers, covering 13.5, 20 and 40 GHz.