Keysight B2985A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter, 0.01fA
The B2985A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter is the world’s only graphical electrometer that allows you to confidently measures small currents with 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) resolution and large resistances of up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω). It possesses a 4.3” color LCD with a graphical user interface that provides trend chart and histogram data in addition to numeric information. These front-panel capabilities enable you to capture transient behavior and to perform quick statistical analyses without a PC. The available Setup Integrity Checker software option allows you to compare the noise levels of different cabling and fixturing arrangements to help isolate external noise sources.
Key measurement specifications
0.01 fA minimum measurement resolution
10 PΩ maximum resistance measurement with 1000 V source
20,000 readings/s
Graphical capabilities
Time domain view to capture transients
Histogram view to perform quick data analysis
Other X-Y plots (I-V, I-t, R-t, Q-t, I-R, etc.)
Other key functionalities and capabilities
Setup integrity checker software (Option)
Easy-to-use auto navigation
Real-time Noise Monitor
Battery-operated models eliminate power line noise
AC power line noise strongly impacts sensitive measurements. While integrating over one or more PLCs can minimize AC power line noise effects, even these electrometers’ excellent noise performance cannot eliminate 100% of this noise unless the instrument is completely isolated. Therefore, for power-line-noise-free measurements the B2987A can be battery operated. It can function for 4 hours under normal operating conditions, and can also automatically save your measured data and measurement setup information if the battery level goes below 5%. Of course, besides eliminating noise the battery-powered option adds the benefit of portability, allowing you to use the B2987A anywhere you want.
Temperature and humidity measurement capabilities
Temperature and humidity are critical parameters for high resistance measurements. The B2985A and B2987A electrometers contain both temperature and humidity sensors interfaces, and a dedicated thermocouple (N1423A) is furnished with these models. The EE07 Digital Humidity/Temperature Probe from E+E Electronik can be used for humidity and temperature sensing, which provides more accurate temperature data than a thermocouple.
The B2985A and B2987A have features that include: graphical capability (Meter View, Graph View, Histogram View, Roll View), auto navigation, 100 k points sample buffer, versatile interface (USB, LAN, GPIB, LXI Core), and free PC control software. One (1) 16494A Triaxial cable is included with each model. One (1) N1418A Lithium-ion battery pack is also included with the B2987A.
Material science (Biomaterials, ceramics, elastomers, films, dielectric materials, electrochemical, ferroelectric, graphene, metals, organic materials, nano-materials, polymers, semiconductors, etc.)
Devices and electronic components (capacitors, resistors, diodes, sensors, transistors including TFT and CNT, optoelectronics, solar cells, etc.)
Electronic/non-electronic systems (ion beam, electron beam, sensing systems, particle measurements, embedded precision instruments, etc.)
Standard calibration with a 3-year Return-to-Keysight warranty included. Please contact us for additional calibration service prices.